2021-12-10 Programing
[leetcode] 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
Given the array integer which is sorted by ascending. It may have duplicated numbers so what you need to do is to remove them and return the...
2021-12-08 Programing
[leetcode] 14. Longest Common Prefix
Given string array and find the longest common prefix from the array....
2021-07-26 Programing
[Wordpress/PHP7.1] Enable XMLReader on CentOS 7
Why this Error happened? This error causes that I didn't install the "xmlreader" in PHP7.1....
2020-04-21 Blog
What I felt about the situation in Japan and action by the Japanese government when it comes to fighting the COVID-19
The number of infected people is increasing day by day in Japan. Fortunately, the number of people who died of the virus is really low compa...
2020-04-17 Blog
Why was I moving from Japan? What do I change?
I am going to look back the past to clarify my thought why I came to Canada. When I decided to go to Canada, my family and friends asked me ...
2020-04-14 Programing
[leetcode] 1408. String Matching in an Array
Given an array that contains some words. You should return all the string that is part of other strings. The order does not matter....
2020-04-10 Programing
[leetcode] Backspace String Compare - 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge Day 9
Two string that might contain "#" are given. "#" means backspace, so the last letter before "#" is supposed to remove from the string. Afte...
2020-04-09 Programing
[leetcode] 198. House Robber
An array that contains the only integer is given as an argument. And sum up the element of value and find the sum of the maximum. However, y...
2020-04-09 Programing
[leetcode] Middle of the Linked List - 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge Day 8
A node that made by Linked List is given. You need to return the middle of the node. If the length of node is odd, return second middle node...
2020-04-04 Programing
[leetcode] 189. Rotate Array
One array that contains only integer, and one integer named "k" are given. you should rotate the array by the index of k and return it....